Donate and support our work in the process

by | 19. Sep 2023 | Sponsoring

You would like to support our work?

You are at the right place!

Our services are free of charge for all parties involved.

However, this means that we have to finance 100 percent of our work privately. It is the commitment of companies and private individuals that makes them possible.

In order to continue to advocate for the labor market integration of people with refugee experience and a diverse economy in the future, we need your support.

Contact us

Click on the button to find out how you can support us in our work. We look forward to seeing you.

VBKI Einstieg zum Aufstieg Logo

Einstieg zum Aufstieg gGmbH is a non-profit initiative that brings together people with refugee experience and companies in the greater Berlin area.

Our goal is to give Forced migrants in Berlin a perspective for the future and to offer them the opportunity to lead a self-determined life.

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