A VBKI initiative
Einstieg zum Aufstieg

We bring people together
Are you looking for employment?
Together with our large network of diverse companies, we support forced migrants in their job search in Berlin and Brandenburg.
You have vacancies to fill?
We help companies in Berlin and Brandenburg fill their vacancies, thereby strengthening diversity in the economy.
You would like to cooperate with us?
Do you advise people with forced migration experience or offer job coaching services? Take advantage of our good contacts with companies and organisations.
You would like to support us in our work?
You find our work important and would like to support us? Our services are free of charge and 100% privately funded. We thank you for your support.

We rely on our large network
We bring people with refugee and migration experience who are looking for a job, training or an internship together with companies in Berlin and Brandenburg. In this way, we also help to fill vacancies and strengthen diversity in the economy.
When it comes to career advancement, people with a refugee or migration background still find it comparatively difficult. That is why we use the network of our initiator, the Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller (VBKI), and beyond, to help them access the job market.
We are convinced that every person, regardless of their origin and residency status, has the right to a fulfilling life. By facilitating access to education, work and social integration, we want to support forced migrants develop their skills and talents while making a valuable contribution to German society.
Strong network
We use our network in Berlin’s business community and work closely with the social economy.
We organize numerous information events, for employers and those seeking advice.
We speak German, English, Ukrainian & Russian and have several years of experience with intercultural projects.
Be inspired by our projects
Here we would like to present our initiatives and programmes aimed at offering forced migrants a new perspective and support in Germany, their chosen country.
Together with our dedicated partners and supporters, we are proud to make a positive contribution to a better future.
Be inspired and learn more about successfully completed projects on our project page.

News for your entry to the ascent
Happy Birthday, Einstieg zum Aufstieg!
On November 20, Einstieg zum Aufstieg celebrated its fifth anniversary. In 5 years, we have been able to place around 300 refugees in jobs, internships, training and further education, thereby making our contribution to the development of an inclusive society.
World Refugee Day
June 20 is World Refugee Day. The date once again raises awareness of how many people are forced to flee their homes – and seek protection here in Berlin, among other places.
Vocational orientation for Forced migrants
Malteser offers a new round of “The Competence Workshop” for young new immigrants.
Steps to Public Service – Qualification in administration
Are you interested in being part of the Berlin administration? With the “Steps to Public Service” initiative, HWR Berlin offers a targeted qualification program for foreign academics.
JOBMEDI | Berlin | 1. & December 2, 2023
Visit the trade fair for health, care and social services and discover new job prospects!
Donate and support our work in the process
You would like to support our work?