Job fair for international professionals and workers

by | 2. Mar 2022 | Looking for a job

DATE March 31, 2023 from 10-14 at Ludwig Erhard House (IHK).

Einstieg zum Aufstieg is there with a stand.

We are looking forward to good conversations with job seekers, entrepreneurs & cooperation partners.

When: 31 March 2023 from 10-14 h

Where: Foyer, Ludwig-Erhard Haus, Fasanenstrasse 85, 10623 Berlin

Organizer: IHK Berlin

VBKI Einstieg zum Aufstieg Logo

Einstieg zum Aufstieg gGmbH is a non-profit initiative that brings together people with refugee experience and companies in the greater Berlin area.

Our goal is to give Forced migrants in Berlin a perspective for the future and to offer them the opportunity to lead a self-determined life.

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